If we only have one space left to inhabit, it has to be good! How does space affect our well being? What spatial qualities do we prefer?How do we reintroduce the importance of architectural elements, such as materials, lighting and acoustics?

In the research project, Architecture and Palliation, film is used as a communicational tool within the process of building hospitals, hospices, and nursing homes. The aim is to start a qualitative architectural discussion, regarding the way we build for sick people. The project investigates the film media as a diagrammatic tool in an architectural process.

The film plays with Evidence Based Design as a tool for measuring the architectural effect on the human mind. In the scenery the man and the space both plays the main part, assimilated, side by side to highlight their interaction.


Director: Christel Nisbeth, Moa Liew, Annemie Sandadhl

Editor: Christel Nisbeth, Moa Liew, Annemie Sandadhl

Sound mastering: Ask Kæreby

Actor: Dan Loffredo

Speak: Dea Fog

Translation: Sophie Brauer

Official Selection

The International Architecture Film Festival Lund 2013

Athens International Short Film Festival, 2015

Produced for

Knowledge Centre for Rehabilitation and Palliative Care

Funded by
