We are invited as one of 8 artists to work with the Danish national project #VAERKDINVERDEN. The project aim is to unfold the effect of public art. In collaboration with high school students from AAbenraa we are creating an interactive installation at Southern Jutland Hospital. Follow the project at www.vaerkdinverden.dk
The film Favorite Housing was screened at FEMARKs Architecture Symposium in Lund ”Expanding Architecture –Critical perspectives acting from within”. The program for the symposium was filled with interesting lecturers on the topic. For more info see https://www.facebook.com/FemArk.Lund/
Within Walls had the honor to screen our film 'The Sketch as Art' at the Short Film Corner at Cannes Court Métrage 2017.
Parts of the exhibition design from Inno Carnival were exposed at Kommendanthuset in Malmö. The exhibition was used as a display for the final winning concepts of innovative ides for a more sustainable future.
Within Walls had the honour to create an exhibition design for the great innovation carnival at Malmö Live. The concept for the exhibition was built upon four themes within the topic of “Our sustainable lifestyle”. Each theme translated into a pavilion where transport, cultivation, waste & consumption and knowledge sharing attracted thousands of people during a weekend in Malmö.
The Swedish journal Arkitekten has published an article about how the film media is a growing trend within the field of architecture. The article includes an interview were you can take part in our thoughts about how the film media can change the field.
Within Walls has an article in the new eBook With(Out) Trace: Interdisciplinary Investigations into Time, Space and the Body. The article explains how to use filmic methods such as storyboards and dramaturgy to create space.
Within Walls participated at the 3rd interdisciplinary conference Time, Space and the Body held at Oxford University, 2014. Now we can proudly present the physical outcome from this conference; an eBook.
The film project The Museum of Sketches –The film need your support! You can contribute to the project in two different ways: by supporting the production financially and by spreading this campaign link to others who might be interested.
The Architecture Player is a place to disclose new architecture stories, through video.
Therefore it is a pleasure that two of our films has become part of their exquisite repertoire!
Within Walls has been invited to do a solo exhibition at the Form and Design Center, Malmö.
From 5th of December to 3rd of January
Sweden faces a lot of social challenges, including a tremendous housing shortage. Within Walls are going to present some of our resident participation methods at the two day conference.
On November the 24th, the short film 'Architecture and Palliation' will be screened at Doc Lounge - Filmbar#15 in Malmö. Amongst films like Shadowland and the Pier
Within Walls gives a lecture on the topic 'How to pitch your idea'
Our film is screend together with the documentary TINY: A Story About Living Small
In 2010 Within Walls won the first architecture competition in Denmark - where the format was film.
We are invited as one of 8 artists in the Danish national project #VÆRKDINVERDEN. The project aim is to unfold the effect of public art. In collaboration with students from …. we are creating an interactive installation at Aabenraa Hospital. Follow the project at www.vaerkdinverden.dk
The Swedish Association of Architects Skåne together with Region Skåne hereby invite you to an open idea competition, IMAGINE Open Skåne 2030. We want to widen the development of society, and invite more people to set its agenda.