#værkdinverden National Campaign

Try an other man’s body

 Within Walls was so fortunate as to be invited by Råderum to participate in the national campaign #værkdinverden. We were to interpret Anne Mette Ruges installation at Aabenraa Hospital. 

We wanted to create a spatial awareness towards the fact that you do not come to the hospital to look at art, but you are still affected by it. We created four prostheses that enabled the spectator to leave their own body behind and enter someone else’s. The prostheses gave the spectator a bodily and mental awareness as to how you experience a space if you are heavily pregnant, have mobility difficulties or suffer from anxiety. 

 Visit the campaign here 

The National Campaign

Eight artists were invited by Råderum to interpret seven public works of art. The aim was to start a national and viral debate about public art. Why do we need public art? How does it contribute to my perception of a place? Does art interfere with my everyday life? 

In November 2018 the national and viral campaign #værkdinverden took place all over Denmark with happenings, events, film screenings and exhibitions. The campaign month ended with a grand #cooldownparty at
ARoS Museum of Modern Art. 

Funded by: Bikubefonden, Statens Kunstfond, Dreyers fond, Faaborg-Midtfyn Municipality, Aarhus Municipality, Copenhagen Municipality and Nørrebro Lokaludvalg