For years there has been a lively discussion regarding Smyge Huk, the most southern part of Sweden. Every year thousands of tourist come to this windswept peninsula. At the moment there are not much to do once you get there. How do we make the tourist stay longer? How do we transform the place into an active for the community, without destroying the characteristic beauty of the pristine coastline and old harbour?

Within Walls was invited to do a film capturing the many voices and opinions Föreningenof the inhabitants, local politicians, artist and business owners.

A special interview technique was developed, 15 people invited and hours of film edited, before we ended up with the 20min film, capturing the soul of this special place, the genius loci of Smyge Huk.

The film was distributed to all politicians in the local committee, in order to ensure a common understanding. At the same time the film was exhibited on site, in an historical lime kiln, as a way of implementing the voices of the place into the natural environment, and in order to start a public interest and reflection regarding the special essence of this place.


  • Produced by Christel Nisbeth, Moa Liew,
  • Produced for Föreningen Gränssnitt Smyge
  • Funded by Trelleborgs Kommuns Utvicklings AB


  • Form and Design Center, Malmö 2015
  • Malmö City Hall 2015

Film of the exhibition in the old oven at Smyge Huk

Entire exhibion film